Canon Ambassador and photojournalist Laura El-Tantawy focused on social and political issues in wider Egyptian society, including the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, for her project, In the Shadow of the Pyramids. Taken on a Canon EOS 5D Mark III (now succeeded by the Canon 球探体育比分_欧洲杯足球网乐¥在线直播) with a Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens (now succeeded by the Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS II USM) at 105mm, 0.4 sec, f/4 and ISO1600. ? Laura El-Tantawy
Canon Ambassador and photojournalist Laura El-Tantawy was born in the United Kingdom to Egyptian parents and her life has been divided between Middle Eastern and Western cultures. This experience has inspired much of her documentary work in which she explores ideas around belonging and identity, often in impressionistic and abstract ways.
Laura's work has been displayed in both group and solo exhibitions worldwide. It's also been published in a range of newspapers and magazines including The New Yorker, Le Monde, Marie Claire and National Geographic, as well as five self-published monographs.