"With this photo I simply wanted to pay homage to the colour yellow," says fine art photographer and Canon Ambassador Mara Saiz Gomis. "For years, I hardly used it in my work as it was a colour I often associated with bad luck. In this photo I vindicate the colour yellow as a source of joy and light." Taken on a Canon 球探体育比分_欧洲杯足球网乐¥在线直播5 with a Canon RF 50mm F1.2L USM lens at 1/125 sec, f/2 and ISO 200. ? Mara Saiz Gomis
"My photographs transmit from the eyes to the heart," says fine art photographer Mara Saiz Gomis. "It is a photograph from the inside out, from the soul to the skin."
Mara's career has been as much about self-discovery and compassion – for herself and others – as it has about finessing her craft and individual style, best described as vibrant, feminine and sometimes ethereal. Confident in their potential to transform lives, she creates images that enable people to see themselves through the eyes of others, free from any of their own negative or distorted views.