Canon Ambassador Michel d'Oultremont specialises in capturing the majesty of the natural world, such as the moment this wild musk ox rose to its feet after a heavy snowstorm. "He shook himself and created an explosion of snow which gave the image a sense of power and strength," he says. Taken on a Canon EOS 5D Mark III (now succeeded by the Canon 球探体育比分_欧洲杯足球网乐¥在线直播) with a Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM lens (now succeeded by the Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM) at 1/4000 sec, f/4 and ISO320. ? Michel d'Oultremont
Photography, insists Canon Ambassador Michel d'Oultremont, is secondary to wildlife – his first passion. And yet his images have a mastery of light that somehow elevates them. They are works of art, not just records of animal encounters.
Deploying a variety of creative techniques – low contrast, a limited colour palette, shallow depth of field, minimalist composition – Michel's distinctive, fairytale-like shots seem to show creatures materialising from the mist, strange and majestic. His aim is "to make people love nature, to question themselves about nature and to look at it differently, perhaps with more respect".