Photographer and Canon Ambassador Mor Tzidon says she uses light to convey mood. "I ask myself, what atmosphere do I want to create? I build the lighting based on that. If I want a dramatic atmosphere, I'll use darker, shadowy and cooler lighting. If I want a cheerful atmosphere, I'll use warm, bright lighting. Sometimes I combine different types of lighting to create interest." Taken on a Canon 球探体育比分_欧洲杯足球网乐¥在线直播5 with a Canon Mount Adapter EF-球探体育比分_欧洲杯足球网乐¥在线直播 and a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM lens at 1/200 sec, f/11 and ISO 100. ? Mor Tzidon
"All my life I've loved art," says Mor Tzidon, a bold, imaginative and artistic studio photographer based in Tel Aviv, Israel. "I loved to paint, I loved to sculpt and at the age of 13 my uncle bought me a red Canon EOS 1100D. I photographed everything I could. I loved capturing moments; I loved looking for interesting angles; I loved finding creative compositions. From then on, I always carried my camera with me."
Fusing her twin passions of art and photography, Mor breathes life into her shoots with a flamboyant, vivacious and unapologetically audacious style that has captivated the likes of Israel's top magazines La'Isha and Pnai Plus. "Along the way some customers tried to 'normalise' me," she reveals. "There were things I did that were less common, and some clients wanted me to shoot in a more 'traditional' style – against smoother backgrounds or with softer colours, for example. But I always listened to my inner voice, and it paid off in the end."