Canon Ambassador Wanda Martin specialises in shooting fashion photography in a fine art style. Taken on a Canon EOS-1D X Mark II (now succeeded by the Canon EOS-1D X Mark III) with a Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM lens at 24mm, 1/125 sec, f/6.3 and ISO1250. ? Wanda Martin/AFP
Inspired by art but professing no patience to paint, Canon Ambassador Wanda Martin has created a body of work through the medium of photography that nods stylistically to her creative heroes.
Enamoured with fine art from a young age, the Hungarian portrait photographer's creative endeavours have become revered for their combination of historical and modern styles. "I am strongly inspired by the aesthetic and visual norms of Pictorialism," Wanda explains. "I'm especially fascinated by Renaissance portraiture, the avant-garde attitude of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood of the late 1840s, and the visual characteristics of the likewise rebel-at-the-time 20th century subcultures – in particular the rock 'n' roll lifestyle. They were all 'outsiders', turning their backs on their reality and establishing a new system of values for their era."
Whether she's shooting fashion models or world-famous musicians, Wanda's style is as era-defining as it is timeless. "It started subconsciously, but as I – and my work – matured, it became a deliberate approach," Wanda says.