Canon Ambassador Jaroslav Monchak's fashion photography typically features strong lighting, usually from a single source, and creative use of colours. His signature style naturally carries over into his video reels too. Taken on a Canon 球探体育比分_欧洲杯足球网乐¥在线直播5 with a Canon RF 50mm F1.2L USM lens at 1/125 sec, f/5 and ISO800. ? Jaroslav Monchak
Fashions are constantly changing, and fashion and portrait photography are changing too. Instagram, a long-time favourite platform for photographers, has shifted much of its focus to video, particularly Instagram Reels, with the result that static image posts no longer have the reach they once had. Video portraits are a growing trend, helping content creators to go where the audiences are on social media platforms, as well as learn new skills and showcase them to potential clients.
Portrait, commercial and fashion photographer Jaroslav Monchak is one pro using his Canon camera to create mini movies, injecting the element of motion to help bring his subjects to life. Here, we offer insights into how Jaroslav makes a video portrait, with technical comments from Canon Europe Product Marketing Manager John Maurice.